How I Made $100,000 Selling Slime
As a 90’s kid, the only thing I knew about slime was that is was green, ooey, and got sprayed into crowds and dumped on celebrities on Nickelodeon. Never in a million years did I think it would turn into a second source of income for me. But as with most things in my life, I just sort of stumbled into the “new age” version of slime. And by “new age” I mean, the type that is sold in any store you walk into nowadays, that kids bring to school, and adults use for stress-relief. It has come a long way from the green stuff on TV.
As a DIY Youtuber, I stumbled across slime on the trending page one day, and just like everything else, I figured I would test out a few tutorials on my channel. These early videos I made, quickly turned into some of my most viewed videos to date and little did I know, it was about to change everything.
What I initially thought would be a month or two trend, quickly turned into a new staple for kids everywhere! And as it stuck around, people started to sell it online for those who couldn’t quite nail the tutorials themselves. I saw this as a huge opportunity, and now, almost two years later, I have made over $100,000 selling slime!
My Shopify Dashboard
My Etsy Dashboard
While I originally started on Etsy, as my sales grew, I quickly moved to my own website While Youtube is still my primary source of income, slime has created a second source that I would have never dreamed of years prior.
As slime continued to stick around, I decided to focus in on the slime niche on my Youtube channel creating reviews on other slime shops, tutorials, and all things slime! Having such a large audience in a defined niche really helped my sales skyrocket.
While I get most of my sales through e-commerce, as the slime community grew, so did the number of conventions. Yes, you heard that right, conventions for slime! Not a craft fair with a variety of vendors, but slime conventions, with a multitude of slime shops and “slime-lebrities”.
I spent the past year traveling around the country, all expenses paid, getting to meet fans and sell my products.
My Top 5 Tips I’ve Learned Along The Way
- Market, Market, Market. My marketing degree and social media background helped me here. Run promotions, use Facebook Ads, create business cards and market your product to anyone who could potentially be a customer.
- Find your niche. Narrow in, focus, and simplify. One thousand supporters can be more powerful than one hundred thousand if they are the right fit for your niche.
- Innovate. There is always going to be people trying to knock-off ideas and creations, so be the innovator and be the first to market.
- Find a core group of employees. Don’t hire employees until you’re no longer to take on everything yourself. When it is time to hire, find someone who will have your best interest in mind.
- Stay consistent. If I’ve learned anything in life, its that consistency will pay off. Don’t give up.
While I never expected to go down this path, and certainly didn’t expect to make over $100,000 from it, I’m so thankful that I did. I now get to be creative every single day, run my own business, and still have a successful social media platform. If slime has taught me anything, it’s to be one step ahead of the trends.